• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.

    First in a series called the Cemetery of Forgotten Books.

    A young boy named Daniel is taken by his bookstore-owning father to the Cemetery of Forgotten Books.

    By tradition, first time visitors are allowed to select one book for which they will become a lifetime guardian.

    Daniel chooses “Shadow of the Wind” by Julian Carax and quickly becomes enthralled by it. As he tries to find out more about the book and the author, he finds that someone is systematically collecting all of Carax’s works and burning them.

  • The 3rd Dark Tower book by Stephen King. The Waste Lands. Came out in 1991 and ends with the main characters trapped on a psychotic AI monorail who challenges them to a riddle contest for their lives.

    The fourth book, Wizard and Glass, wouldn’t come out until 1997. SIX YEARS LATER.

    Now, with any other author, it wouldn’t be a big deal, but this is Stephen King we’re talking about.

    Between book 3 and book 4 he published 8 OTHER books.

    Needful Things
    Gerald’s Game
    Dolores Claiborne
    Rose Madder
    The Green Mile
    The Regulators

    Of those, Insomnia, Rose Madder, Desperation and the Regulators touched on the Dark Tower universe, so it’s like he was fucking with us. ;)

    Book 4 finally comes out, he promises to write books 5, 6 and 7 “without getting up to go to the bathroom”, and he gets hit by an idiot in a van and is damn near killed.


    The 5th book wouldn’t appear until 2003, naturally after King wrote five other books, but at least 4 didn’t have a cliffhanger.