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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2024

  • I feel the same way. I can do the advanced on all counts but I’m super out of shape as well… Not like “round is a shape” out of shape, just generally unfit.

    Being able to do them once is not that hard if you don’t weigh a lot (small people find this sort of thing a lot easier because it’s using body weight as resistance) and have previously built those muscles, but that means exactly nothing about actual overall fitness in the here and now.

  • Slightly off-topic but I don’t have anyone irl to share this with.

    My next paint job is to see how much vivid contrasting color and pattern I can live with in my daily life. Kitchen needs a remodel anyway so I want to paint every valid surface to try all the “don’t” options more or less together and see what happens. Bright colors, intricate designs, the works. (I have a series of ideas for how to pull this off without just wasting money, but if I hate it, it’ll just push for the remodel sooner.)

    On a more related note, this guide doesn’t work very well with 2 colors of the same intensity, just accent colors where one is significantly darker or more vibrant. This is from experience… my living room and front bedroom are both done in complimenting colors, and I could arrange them in any way and it would make no difference.

    I wonder if you could get this effect with more than two colors as long as you manage the intensity properly… I feel no is likely the right answer, because brains are funny lil things.

  • I feel slightly better that I’m not the only one who struggles to find the right size. Particularly in an emergency.

    Depending on brand, I’m between 6.5 - 8 4EW, and those are damned near impossible to find anywhere without custom ordering. I’ve gotten in the habit of bringing an extra pair of at least flip flops, just in case. But my car has an old pair of shoes that just live there now. Too tight and worn out for actual use but not bad enough to toss. They have saved my ass more than once.

  • I’m so thrilled that the building next to mine is being bought. I talked to the new owner and asked about changing out the building lights. Currently they are like a mix of design 1 and 2 (it’s a hanging globe under a fixture, so virtually nothing blocked), but about 60 foot up, in the middle of a residential area that doesn’t do street lights (small town, not a main road).

    Basically all the houses around this building have to have light blocking curtains because of the shitty lights. They are -much- brighter (actual bulb power plus light spill, plus they are bright white and not warm) than the street lights a couple roads over.

    He’s going to be converting them into design 4, more or less, to limit the light spill to mostly just that property. His son said “fuck yeah we can fix that, it would drive me nuts too!” And I’ll see if I can convince him to change out the bulbs for something less harsh as well.