Languages: Français, English

Pronouns: They/them


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I acknowledge I can’t completely remove myself from contributing to suffering and climate change (short of killing myself, which I have no intention of doing.)

    However I’ll do all I can to minimize my impact. Including being vegan, living a generally minimal consumption lifestyle, buying secondhand as much as possible, walking or cycling everywhere, and not bringing any children into this world.

    I’ll also acknowledge my individual actions don’t really make any difference in the grand scheme of things, but I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t at least try to live in a manner that won’t make our planet inhospitable to our species before the end of the century.

  • Most definitely not “just on the internet” (which is kind of a weird statement, the vast majority of Canadians use the internet). Just have a look at the current polling.

    Anecdotally, here in NB (which is a conservative cesspool, to be fair) I’ve seen a few “Fuck Trudeau” stickers and flags, and have heard many go off on rants about why he’s to blame for everything they dislike (typically stuff over which the prime minister has zero power).

    It almost makes me feel bad for disliking Trudeau for being a massive neoliberal and lying about getting rid of first-past-the-post. I don’t want to be associated with the “Fuck Trudeau” crowd.