Raspberry pi4 Docker:- gluetun(qBit, prowlarr, flaresolverr), tailscale(jellyfin, jellyseerr, mealie), rad/read/sonarr, pi-hole, unbound, portainer, watchtower.

Raspberry pi3 Docker:- pi-hole, unbound, portainer.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023

  • Currently going through the Ender quintet, and the Expeditionary Force.

    I’m on book four of the Ender series, the first two were as good as I remember. 3 an 4 have taken some work. Can’t recommend buying them though as OSC is a… just the opposite of the message of the books.

    Expeditionary Force is as samey as I remember. I read them as audiobooks at work so the pulp is quite welcome. Also, I’m on book 9 (not back to back reads), so while it’s formulaic I guess I’m not too bored of jerking in the shower jokes. I’d recommend the first one, but not as a series.

    My last “work read” was the murder bot series, I binged my way through those, pretty good