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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • That makes sense. I was curious because my boss who lives in Plano neglected to homestead so he was getting violated on his taxes. I discovered it, we filled out this form and talked to that person and eventually got him several thousand dollars of retroactive credit.

    My house was assessed at something like $130k the year before I bought it and two years later it’s in the $230k range, but I’m fine with it as the old assessment was based on a structure that was torn down and my current house was built brand new on the original footprint. So it’s more or less assessed at what I paid for it.

    I do get amused trying to explain to people out of state how property tax protest is pretty much the national sport of Texas.

  • Are you homesteaded? I just looked it up to make sure I’m not talking out my ass here. The maximum annual assessment increase for a homestead is ten percent. Over three years, your max increase should be thirty three percent, not sixty. Additionally, the homestead exemption went up from $40,000 to $100,000 this past year. My tax bill went down year over year because of this. My assessment that just came in the mail went up three percent for 2024. Granted I don’t live in the most fashionable neighborhood. I’m sure the HOA infested suburbs went up more than that.

  • I was seventeen when the Simpsons became their own show. The cultural impact was enormous and immediate. By the summer of 1990, images of the Simpsons were freaking everywhere. Clothes, glasses, miscellaneous trinkets, everywhere.

    So it’s not really necessary for the first couple of seasons to come short against seasons three and four.

    The seismic wave the show caused from its beginning were enough to garner those scores you see.