• 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • As the elected Prime Minister, you get automatic top secret security clearance. The expectation is that the democratic process would have put the person in power, so we want that person to do whatever they wish with that top secret information. Otherwise, we would be losing the power of the people and putting it in the hands of CSIS.

    All appointed ministers do get security screening, as that was put in place by Harper, I think. As a leader of the opposition, Poilievre wouldn’t be subject to those requirements.

    As far as I know there’s nothing to indicate that he wouldn’t pass the check. He just doesn’t want to get the security check and get the inside info, because that would limit what attacks he could make. As an outsider he can spout off whatever drivel he wants.

    So, if he doesn’t pass your security screening, citizen, get out and vote.

  • So, the owner of this specific store posted it. As much as I hate how Loblaws has been capitalizing on peoples’ needs, this isn’t Loblaws, it’s the owner of one store.

    Do you know that for sure? I found this from seven months ago, if it’s the same manager, he seems to be getting away with it:


    Pharmacy Assistant vs Volunteer

    I’ve applied to about 15 SDM branches across Toronto for the past month until today. My applications were mixed. Even if I applied online, I also visit the branch to personally drop my resume. There was this one branch who told me that it’s nearly impossible to get inside SDM as a pharmacy assistant without Canadian pharmacy experience. I was a licensed pharmacist in my home country and I practiced clinical pharmacy for over 2 years.

    According to him, the best way to get in the system and their records will be as a volunteer. He was kinda of disappointed with how the system works, claiming that SDM encourages volunteerism to save a lot on training costs. Is it true that being a volunteer will help me out once there is a vacancy or an opening for a pharmacy assistant slot? Can I use it on my future applications as well?

  • Every item they steal as a knockoff to generously offer us suckers as “value” takes money away from food suppliers, who then have less leverage to negotiate.

    Which knockoffs are you talking about? (I’m not challenging you, I’m genuinely interested.)

    I’ve been a regular No Name at No Frills shopper (and store brand shopper in general) for a long time, especially for staples like flour, because I hate how much the name brands charge for basicly the same thing. I used to get my produce at a local shop but it’s gone now :(

  • Can he sue the landlord? It sounds like he’s already paid way too much to fight this, but it also feels like active fraud on the landlord’s part: “his landlord had given a Canadian address on the deed of sale when she purchased the unit; she had a Canadian social insurance number; and his rent cheques were going to a TD Canada account in Montreal.”

    Also, if this is a thing, why the fuck is the CRA letting someone accrue six years worth of arrears before informing them. They should be obligated to notify the renter yearly (at least) or forfeit any interest.

    I mean really, all of that is moot, as the rule is completely ludicrous to begin with. It sounds to me like the people who implemented the rule (and the ones defending it) have never been renters themselves. Like you’re supposed to ask a potential landlord for their fucking financials? They’ll laugh in your face and move on to the next sap. Total bullshit.

  • Depends on the plastic, but most plastics are fine.

    Hand sanitizer usually comes in plastic bottles and can be ethanol or isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol. Also you can buy high percentage isopropyl (and sometimes ethanol) at the drugstore in plastic bottles. Also many large bottles of liquor come in clear plastic versions.

    I wouldn’t recommend using Plexiglas or acetate though. Alcohol will eat those up.

  • This could be great for tech workers. Options are actually the worst form of compensation, and companies use them to lure employees into jobs in the tech industry that pay far lower than the same job in the US while it costs the company virtually nothing.

    The real reason these guys running “innovation” companies are seething is that to compete it will mean they have to increase the base pay to tech workers (which is better for the employee) or they can issue stock instead of stock options (the issued and vested stock is taxed as income.) But they don’t want to do this because they’re greedy.

    This tarnishes the allure of stock options, which is great.