• 21 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 11th, 2023


  • has probably never been taught how taxes work

    I worked at H&R Block as a tax preparer for the 2001 tax season 😄 So I do kinda understand taxes even though that was a long time ago and I don’t really think or care much about all the things I used to know anymore.

    The last place I worked at in Nevada, I kept careful track and noticed 13% government deduction every paycheck. I noted it and figured my finances accordingly. No big deal.

    But this California 26% government deduction is blowing my mind. It’s outrageous. And someone else in the thread said to rest assured that the govt would never withhold more than 37%. But even 37% max is ridiculous. That’s nearly half of our hard work turned into govt slave labor! Now when I’m at work I am consciously bitterly aware that 1/4 days I’m involuntarily working for free 😡

  • If you know how much you’re projected to earn over the year, you could ask whomever handles your pay to adjust it to the correct percentage.

    earnings are highly variable. the best I can do is I keep a spreadsheet, on which I calculate hourly and weekly and monthly averages. And I’ve only been there a month so not enough data to extrapolate from yet.

    come tax time it’ll be settled and you’ll either get back however much you paid in excess

    well thanks, they are deducting so much from me (26% ?!) that I certainly would be due a refund. Were it not for another tragic turn in my personal circumstances, in which the IRS has been garnishing all of my tax refunds since 2014 because of something stupid my ex-husband did in 2009 😡