Just some Internet guy

He/him/them 🏳️‍🌈

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Genuine political dissent would become logistically impossible, and virtual mob rule a certainty.

    There’s a major difference between political dissent and hate speech.

    You can say: “I don’t think transgender people should be allowed to choose which bathroom they go to”, that just makes you a shitty person with no compassion. But if you say “If I see a trans women in the mens bathroom I’ll beat them up out of there”, that is very clearly hate speech and threats of violence.

    It’s not like it’s hard to treat people with basic respect. You can disagree without resorting to hateful comments and threats and name calling. If you don’t see the hate speech problem you’re probably part of the problem because surprise, it’s only conservatives you see online constantly spewing FUD and hate speech.

  • That, and they also either renovate in pseudo-luxery or build fairly luxurious condos in a world of HOAs going absolutely out of control and making sure you can’t actually live in there even if you could afford it because your next door karen will file a noise complaint every time you flush the toilet.

    Number of constructions I’ve seen actually designed to be affordable in the last couple years: zero. None. They all target rich people that could afford a normal house anyway.

    Even new apartment buildings, the thing that people that can’t get a mortgage get, is now also all designed for 3000+ monthly rents.

    Property developers are greedy pigs.

  • Have they tried building average, affordable condos instead of luxury condos?

    All the new condo developments I’ve been seeing everywhere are more expensive than a townhouse nearby, and half the size of nearby apartments that are also half what the mortgage would be on a 1-2M fucking condo.

    Pretty sure they can do away without the penthouse pool and hot tub and bring the price down, but it wouldn’t be nearly as profitable for them so they won’t.

    Nobody is actually trying to help lower home prices because everyone’s retirement plan depends on houses being unaffordable.

  • To the surprise of absolutely no one.

    If you can’t share real news people will just share fake news instead.

    If you want people to consume quality news from somewhat reputable sources, you don’t make it a pain and disincentivize the main sources of traffic from sending traffic that way.

    Reliable news are important and they do need funding, but that’s the absolute worst way to go about it. Of course if you put barriers people will cheap out and get what they can get for free. That’s why we need government funded news like CBC, BBC and others. It’s an essential public service, treat it like one instead of trying to let private companies do what’s most profitable. Quality reporting isn’t profitable, shocking headlines are.