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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023


  • The problem is partly that the entire-framing of what a working government requires is wrong…

    A political-party with a leader…

    that isn’t working, never has worked for the best of any first-past-the-post country, & never will.

    Just as the Indigenous peoples often had different kinds of Chiefs for different dimensions of their lives…

    • Peace Chief for maintaining proactive/strategic harmony
    • War Chief for dealing with existential threats from others
    • Shaman for dealing with the deep end of reality
    • Grandmothers for dealing with the questions that neither males nor young-people were competent at understanding … etc …

    What the world actually requires is a system whereby the different kinds of leaders required to competently lead a country ALL get put in place.

    Jugmeet Singh’s a people-person, and he could be there both for, & with, people better than anybody else I know-of in Canadian federal politics…

    but he isn’t the guy who I’d put in charge of Strategy, or the person whom I’d put in charge of Implimentation, or the person I’d put in charge of Emergency Services & Military…

    the right-framing would require a team, not an individual.

    There’s a book “Rocket Fuel” which is on how nearly-all businesses get 1 thing wrong:

    most businesses mistakenly ignore that a visioneer usually isn’t an implimenter.

    Implimenter’s closer to bean-counter.

    Visioneer’s closer to … lunatic.

    The book Change Intelligence identifies that people-people are 1 of 3 major kinds of leaders required…

    the other 2 being thinkers/visioneers, & the implimenters…

    You REQUIRE all-3, or you’re not having enough traction to accomplish what you’re supposed to be doing!

    The business-culture’s incompetence, however, is that it presumes that the COO of a company ( who is an implimenter ) ought be the next CEO ( which is kinda what happened to Beoing: they ended up with no engineer-visioneer, only bean-counters, & the whole religion of the company became poison… NASA did the same thing when it compromised engineering for “business” culture, with the Challenger shuttle )

    The problem is that you can’t put a person whose nature fits only 1 of the required-roles, into a different required-role.

    NONE of our countries bothers differentiating between the required-roles & then works to get the right person into each of those roles, none!

    That is, at global scale, Darwin Award territory.

    We KNOW the more complex the leadership, or management, problem, the better-quality the team required, we KNOW the structural-diversity of the team is key to having it be more-capable in different ways…

    we won’t do what’s required??

    ( PS: never expect any political-system to tolerate required-evolution.

    World-death would be preferable to political-motivation, compared with actual transformation to a different apolitical kind of system,.

    Sad but true. )

  • IF anybody has the resources to do this…

    in Canada, when the state won’t prosecute criminality,

    THEN individuals can hire lawyers to be the prosecutors.

    Some criminals have the ( unofficial, of course ) protection of the authorities.

    Unless some independent(s) pay lawyers ( who usually work as defense lawyers ) to be the prosecutors, … well … then “justice” can rot, is Canada’s actual position.

    I found out that if the authorities won’t prosecute criminality, & you haven’t the resources to hire lawyers to prosecute, then … the criminality is actually protected by establishment.

    ( this kind of establishment-centric “establishment itself is the LAW” religion is visible in all political-systems, btw, it isn’t created by our system being Canadian, or generally centerist or moneyarchist … Isaiah railed against this a couple millenia ago, in the Abrahamic-religions bible, & Arjuna, in the Bhagavad Gita had to pit his life against his own family.

    Rot/decay is normal.

    The impersonality & correct-systems & objectivity-oriented-continuous-corrections required to counter this fundamental animal-instinct are not in-place, anywhere.

    Nobody’s got the spine to enforce that integrity displace political-muscle-dominion.

    So, it’ll continue ruling our … fate.

    It may end up being our species’ epitaph, late this century.

    shrug )

  • Literally all you have to do, is give each police-cruiser 3 specific drones, that can:

    • target the vehicle being chased, & then EMP-kill that vehicle ( an electromagnetic pulse “bomb”, which blows the vehicle’s circuitry: it’d need a huge capacitor, & an inductor. The drone would be destroyed if it were near, so it’d need to be a disposable thing, not the chase-drone, which would need AI

    • track fleeing individuals, using biometrics ( gait, limb-geometry, iris-scan in a swoop, etc ), to get as much identifying information on 'em as possible, & keep identifying where they are, until their tracking is lost. This should have the ability to identify wireless/cellphone/BT signals, so as to identify if somebody is the same person as who entered a building a few minutes ago, and having other drones to cover the other exits, sharing information, would be intelligent/wise

    • get to a crash-site, & show the EMT’s what need is there, so they can be preparing before they get to the site, for that specific set-of-injuries


    Once someone’s caught committing a crime, then all pretence of “you have no right to track me” can eat hot lead ( gaslighting needs to die ).

    There is a category difference between full-on big-brother piling onto someone caught committing a crime, vs the evil panopticon/universal-molesting/no-privacy-whatsoever world that some big corporations ( some private, some gov’t ) are pushing.

    Use appropriate leverage, for the context, & prevent exploiters/supremacists from exercising such leverage on entire-populations, for sake of ( what remains of ) civil-rights.

    Downvote this to hell, now, obviously…

  • No, good journalism isn’t good for gaslighting highjackers-of-our-country, whether they be sociopathic individuals or psychopathic incorporated-“persons”.

    Pretending otherwise helps machiavellian operations suckerpunch our remaining viability.

    Grow up.

    Malevolent operations & individuals exist, and what is good for them isn’t good for our country.

    Capitalism rewards them, & suppresses altruism, as it is designed to.

    So does communist-dictatorship with its beloved “brainwashed/‘educated’ proletariat dictatorship” & fascism with its “populist dictatorship”.

    Show me how oligarchy benefits from true-journalism? It doesn’t.

    _ /\ _

  • Moneyarchy:

    Money has zero responsibility for what its machinations do, right?

    Human-morality has no place in moneyarchy, right?

    So, no moneyarchists should have any right to complain.

    People who hold to other moralities, have been complaining all along.

    Make the legislation express your morality, if you find it expressing moneyarchy’s morality to be problematic.

    The “elected representatives” are representing who lobbies them, not who votes.

    As the system is engineered to be doing.

    Corrupt-systems cannot demonstrate coherent-integrity, because they haven’t got any, inside.

    IF that is a problem, THEN try forcing outright-integrity into the system, & see how long you get tolerated for…

    Natural Selection can weed-out integrity, if corruption gainst owning of the system.

    Just as it no-longer-is-possible for Rule Of Correct & Just Law to gain possession of the drug-cartel possessed Mexico,

    it no-longer is possible for corruption to be broken-from any “democracy” which is rigged to accommodate and protect corruption’s power/authority.

    This is all a wonderful example of "people hate other people’s corruption, but when they, themselves, gain power, then they want all the rot-basis power they can have, and will fight-for it all they can, demonstration of our unconscious-mind’s reality.

    “Physician, HEAL THYSELF 1ST.” is the prescription required,

    but who’d do that??

    _ /\ _

  • Duh…

    IF education doesn’t educate people on something that people NEED to understand,

    THEN the population doesn’t understand what they need to understand.

    This is simply “education” masquerading as education, is all.

    Nothing new.

    As https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Taylor_Gatto TRIED getting people to understand, the “education system” in North America was paid-for by the coal industry in order to prevent autonomous competence, … and once you institute a system, it tends to remain essentially-the-same, in its heart, no matter how much you change its makeup/lipstick/appearance.

    ~ an autonomously-valid kid isn’t dependent on institutionally-bestowed “validtation”.

    That is, for institutions, an Unacceptable Problem.

    Broken, insecure kids, however, are manipulable, and therefore dependent on bestowed “validation”, and that is REQUIRED by the institutions. ~

    is one of his many points.

    “Education” is much more profoundly-wrong, in its orientation, its organization, its frame-of-reference, etc, than it’ll tolerate people to know.

    A school administrator told me years-ago that ~ when the law came in to permit parents to see ALL of the children’s files, because we’d been having secrets on 'em, we just segregated them into the “legal” files & the Dirt Files. ~

    Psychologist Susan Pinker laments the systematic failure of education for boys, in her book “The Sexual Paradox”.

    The book “The Heretic’s Guide to Best Practices” identifies that the teacher-lobby will NEVER tolerate any change that would undermine Teacher Importance, no matter how good it would be for the learners/students.

    Read John Taylor Gatto’s stuff. Education needs to be restructured, right from the very-bottom, to the very-top. Completely. Bandaids-on-broken-bones hides nothing, & never has.

    ( I’m saying this as a guy who quit trying to get his grade-11, after 5 attempts, many many years ago, because of the intellectual-dishonesty of the “education”.

    IF you show me evidence that an electron microscope can do 7-million magnification, and you have a handout that says it can only do 1-million, and THEN you dock my test-score for putting 7-million as the magnification of the things, you can go eat rocks.

    And yes, I know that scanning/tunneling electron microscopes are waaaay higher in resolution than a mere 7-million magnification.

    We autistics have NO tolerance for intellectual-dishonesty-that-is-“right”-because-established-authority.

    Fuck institutional gaslighting. )

    _ /\ _

  • Harper wanted Canada to become more right-wing-“Christian”, back in the day…

    I wonder what the 2nd Coming of Christ would say to him,

    right to his face?

    Perhaps “Hypocrite!”?

    The original, benJoseph, certainly seems to have used that accusation on people, back in the benJoseph time…

    ( Jews are waiting for the benJoseph moshiach ( spelling is probably wrong, sorry ),

    because they reject Yehoshua “Jesus” benJoseph as being Isaiah’s “Suffering Servant”.

    Christians are waiting for the benDavid, 2nd messiah.

    Neither would likely be pleased with what an apolitical God would provide, tho. )


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