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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Why should sickness exist at all? Why can people die when killed? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why isn’t life like Heaven for people who haven’t done anything wrong?

    That’s the way it originally was, but sin messes things up. And it’s in our very nature. Nobody can say they’ve done nothing wrong because everyone has at least one concrete sin they’ve committed, often several.

    There’s no such thing as a “harmless sin.” It has to be black-and-white or else people will try to weasel themselves out of accountability (“I’m only lying, it’s not like I’m killing anyone.”) Similarly, you can’t good-person your way out of being a sinner. Even if you could stop sinning all on your own, if you’re not going to repent for what you’ve done, the guilt is still there.

    …Also, as previously stated, you can’t fully demonstrate love if you don’t show what love is like in hardship.

  • Sotuanduso@lemm.eetoCool Guides@lemmy.caA cool guide to Epicurean Paradox
    1 month ago

    As for where it came from, it was all brought about with Adam and Eve’s first sin, which infected all of creation with decay. You could write a creepypasta about that. Depression’s a bit more complicated because it’s a thing in the mind, and there’s a case to be made that it’s often more directly a symptom of a separation from God, knowing on some level that something’s missing - but I don’t think that can be said of all depression. Either way, it still ultimately stems from the first sin.

    As for why it should exist for a time, it’s again necessary to be able to demonstrate love in those circumstances. It’s easy to love someone who’s always having a good time, but it’s divine to see your love and support help to pull someone out of depression, or to comfort someone who knows they don’t have long to live. (This isn’t just about the love God pours out, but also the love He inspires in His people.)

  • Sotuanduso@lemm.eetoCool Guides@lemmy.caA cool guide to Epicurean Paradox
    1 month ago

    Have you considered that maybe God, who is love according to the Bible, designed this universe to be a complete demonstration of love? How can you fully demonstrate love if you don’t show what it means to love someone who’s evil and considers you an enemy, or someone who doesn’t even believe you exist, or someone who once thought they knew you but were being deceived by people with evil motives?

  • Sotuanduso@lemm.eetoData Is Beautiful@lemmy.mlNew gender gap
    5 months ago

    The other guy said men can’t have man-only spaces, referring to Boy Scouts in contrast to Girl Scouts, and you said that Boy Scouts isn’t supposed to be a safe space to explore gender identity or emotions. If Girl Scouts isn’t that kind of thing either, then that sounds like you think men only get to have that kind of man-only space, while women can have whatever.

    As a man, if the only man-only spaces available were about gender identity or emotions, I’d probably go to neither. The former because I’m fully comfortable as a man (and the use of the term “gender identity” there implies it’s more for trans people,) and the latter because I don’t have significant issues with my emotions. Frankly, I don’t really mind that most of the clubs and events that interest me are co-ed, but if there was a recurring women-only Minecraft party or something and there was never one for men, I’d be upset about that.