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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2023


  • Same, buddy. I was on vacation when my 3 month old sneakers popped the sole (New Balance 4E, I was shocked because they usually hold up well) and needed to grab a pair. I could only find D width in the amount of time I was willing to spend away from vacation stuff.

    I did the ladder lace and it helped a lot. There was a bit of extra, but not as much as I thought there would be. However, by the time I got home and got a pair that was the actual right size they had kind of lost their shape and I was spilling over the sides. They looked hilarious.

  • More accurate, but still not accurate considering how difficult home ownership is. Median is ~$192k, up about $55k in the last few years. Meanwhile, ~50% of the U.S. population makes less than $40k/year. While it’s possible a bunch of them bought homes cheap or inherited them then saw a massive growth due to the crazy housing shit, my bet is that close to 50% of the U.S. population has no more net worth than their car and whatever is in their checking account.

    Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems that the wealth is so skewed that it’s really difficult to get a handle on how much money the average person has.

  • That video is longer than an episode of Sherlock. If it were 5-10 minutes I’d at least try to see what he had to say. At this length I’m just going to disregard it as someone with too much time hating on something because people like it.

    I have nearly two hours and can watch the video. Instead I’m going to happily watch A Study in Pink. I’m not a diehard fan but it’s enjoyable enough and a better use of time than listening to someone bitch. Or maybe I’ll watch 4 episodes of old Futurama. I haven’t decided yet.

  • I did IT for O&G for years and you fucking nailed it. Plus, have you seen some of the nicer schools?!? I grew up in a very rural area and the schools were an absolute tragedy. The ones here, paid for with my property taxes, at least look amazing and I’m here for it. I just wish the taxes were spread more evenly so that places like where I went to school had opportunities for stand out kids and resources for neuro-divergent kids and the children with learning disabilities.

    Let me step off this tangential soapbox.

  • I may have lived in Texas too long. My thought was that the people bitching were the kind of people who just bitch about having to pay taxes at all because those people are EVERYWHERE. I wasn’t taking into account your view because it’s not one I hear often. I’m personally in favor of amending the state constitution, putting a progressive tax in place, and lowering property and sales tax. Realistically, with the people in office right now, they’d amend, keep the taxes that already exist in place, then institute a flat tax.

    You’re right, of course.

  • Texas homeowner here! The homestead exemption used to be awesome for keeping property taxes down and probably still does in rural areas. My property taxes have gotten crazy high in the last few years in a Houston suburb.

    Taxes are necessary. We have high property, sales, and use taxes to offset the fact that we have no state income tax. I think anyone that is bitching about it probably doesn’t understand that if it were lowered then either one of the others would get raised or they’d have to amend the state constitution and start taking income tax. Governments need money to run and build infrastructure.