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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2023


  • Lemmy, mostly. And, look at this meme. ADHD=“so smart but bad at homework.” And so many lemmy adhd memes when I browse all definitely seem to imply the same thing. I mean, it makes sense. For people who’ve struggled with tasks, it’s comforting to say things to other people with the same problem that imply, “yeah, we’re smart. We just can’t show it.”

    I’m not saying this is all people. I’m saying this is internet adhd tumblr culture. Where people list their mental disorders under their profile name. It’s the same internet persona self aggrandizement/unique-ifying that’s been prevalent since I was a kid. But it was mostly in middle schoolers struggling for identity. But our culture and self-esteem and youth has deteriorated since then, so that period just seems to continue into 20s/30s.

    It’s not people with adhd that are causing this problem. It’s society, the internet, tech companies encouraging this alternate persona crafting for the sake of their bottom line, late stage capitalism’s deterioration of our mental health and identity for value. We’ve been robbed of our personhood. So people are acting out in weird ways vis the new methods we live increasing amounts of our life through. It’s a widespread, cross-subgroup phenomenon. I’m just saying, it happens in the ADHD online circles too, mainly in this form.

  • Of course. And I don’t mean I knew ADHD people that were dumb because they did bad in school. Maybe it was due to their upbringing (they were all pretty much nepo babies and all went on to work at their dads companies). I mean, in talking to them and knowing them more as friends…they were just not that smart. Some of them were dumb. Some of them were of normal intelligence. Actually, none of the ADHD kids I knew were anything more than of normal intelligence. Attention span problems and hyperactivity do not equate to intelligence.

    Can and does ADHD develop in people who are smart? Of course. But I don’t think, contrary to what internet ADHD communities like to say, that it’s a sign of untapped or unrecognized intelligence. It’s just as likely across the IQ spectrum. It doesn’t bunch up on either the lower nor the higher side. Now, do traditional standardized tests accurately account for people with ADHD? Of course not. Standardized testing is nonsense. “Standardizing” anything in terms of teaching kids is incredibly stupid. It’s there for the government and the schools. ADHD kids will of course struggle, but they’re one of many groups that do. Because that form of testing is inherently flawed. So, yes, people with ADHD are not accurately represented by standardized test scores. But that is true for almost everyone outside of a specific type of learner.

    And maybe if we managed to test everyone, regardless of symptoms, for ADHD, we’d see a more accurate picture. But, from my understanding, it has zero relation to intelligence.

  • This is genuinely absurd. But the mental image of a uniformed cop, giddily pressing your doorbell and running away like Ron Swanson to jump and hide in a bush is too fuckin good. And then the image of them jumping back out to say “STOP RIGHT THERE!” Is also good. Goddamn, that’s funny. Fucked up and dystopian. But funny to imagine.

  • I feel bad for modern era kids. They missed out on Nickelodeon when it wasn’t corrupted. We got Geraldine Layborne, a person first. She just…created our childhood because she wanted us to have something good and not a ploy to sell us toys. She’s a goddamn living saint. She led the network to create stuff specifically for us. Then she left and SpongeBob SquarePants became a fuckin money minter and the rest went down the toilet.

  • I was wondering that myself. But

    PM2.5 concentration in New York City is currently 1.1 times the WHO annual air quality guideline value

    We seem to be right in line with guidelines. Now, does that account for brake dust? If it does, that’s beyond shocking. So many goddamn cars here, all in stop and go traffic constantly. Just turn off the goddamn cars, people. Wtf are you even doing? You’re almost killing me on my bike every day and you just don’t look happy. Not to mention, I ride past 100 of you and get to where I’m going faster than you do. You have a problem. Admitting it is the first step.