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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • The ONLY reason we don’t have LFTR reactors is because at the time the US

    Because no other country would be interested in the tech, or capable of building it. “Muh US nukes killed thorium” is a completely America-brained take.

    Germany researched Thorium (pebble bed, in particular), never bothered with molten salt because it was seen as not feasible. Japan dabbled with molten salt, projects failed due to lack of funding. Neither countries have any interest in building nukes. The Chinese currently are trying, which is because the Chinese are currently trying everything. The government throwing money at the issue doesn’t in any way imply commercial viability, push come to shove they’d do it for the published papers alone.

    Debbie Downer

    I’m sorry for using reality to accost your religious beliefs but they happen to be dumb.

  • And? Yep, non-radioactive fluoride salt can be somewhat managed with ludicrously expensive materials. The equation is rather different when you add thorium to the equation. Also note that nine years are nowhere near long enough.

    There’s a reason we don’t see those kinds of reactors in the wild: They can’t realistically be built as production-scale power plants. If they did greedy bastards would long-since have invested in the tech and tried to monopolise electricity production with patents and undercutting the competition.

  • barsoap@lemm.eetoData Is Beautiful@lemmy.mlNew gender gap
    5 months ago

    The gender pay gap is insignificant and inconsequential compared to the income differences between working and owning classes. Also, much of the pay gap is due to men culturally tending to not have the option of escaping the grindset. “Honey I’m going to quit my job and do something that doesn’t alienate me, yes it’s going to pay less” is not something universally accepted by wives.

  • Herdprämie.

    The constitutional court axed the whole thing because it’s outside of the jurisdiction of the federation, Bavaria, and only Bavaria then went ahead and made it state law. They also consistently score worst when it comes to access to abortions.

    That’s the CSU though, the CDU had lots of high-ranking women at that time which explains why they weren’t pushing things into that direction. And the whole republic ridiculed vdL for trying to get rid of Vatertag, rightly so.