smoothbrain coldtakes

why would you take anything you see on the internet seriously?

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • smoothbrain
    toOntario@lemmy.caTaking a stand on paper bags!
    14 days ago

    The other problem is that the other parties have nobody to run. I don’t even know who the NDP candidate is although I would happily vote in their favor.

    The problem is that the older generations have all these grudges from shit that happened before my lifetime. I don’t care about Rae days, but they apparently made the NDP entirely unelectable in Ontario. I don’t care about gas plants, but every time the Liberals put somebody forward we just hear screaming about how much money they wasted.

    Is it too much to ask that my goddamn social services work? I’d vote for anyone who came out and said public services should be allowed to operate at a loss because they exist to provide a social dividend that cannot be easily calculated in hard cash values, but that seems increasingly less likely these days.

  • It’s not a moral panic this time though, it’s a legitimate concern.

    Nothing has ever produced these billions of sub-30-second, algorithmically curated dopamine blasts.

    Video games were a moral panic because they “promoted violence” and TV was supposed to make you stupid, which, it kind of does depending on what you consume. They both required you to sit still and focus on something though.

    There are kids who can’t sit through a movie without pulling out their phone because they’re just used to being onto the next thing in 10 seconds.

    So you can bitch about it being a moral panic or whatever you want to do to make fun of people who think it’s a concern, but it’s very clear to me from seeing how damaging excessive screen time is on young kids personally that things like YouTube shorts and TikTok are actually super damaging in a number of different ways. They were right about phones, because they’ve facilitated the mass delivery of this content.