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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • totally agree on most points (see my earlier reply in this thread). However dissuading “investment” into property (aka taxation on non-primary dwellings) and keeping returns below inflation will divert investors from the real estate market over time. They will HODL however if not presented with exit strategy. If they are allowed time to divest and exit - they will IMO

  • I hear ya, but there’s no side-stepping the fact that families who took out mortgages at the peak prices and peak rates and won’t be able to sell to cover their cost and sinking deeper in debt. In other words affordability after years of neglect becomes challenging. If all the mortgages are erased or re-adjusted to new market state then maybe… however what to do with families that paid 80% mortgage and their house price dips 50%. They paid real money to the real bank who gets to keep the money while family’s deficit from all those extra payments amounts to nothing, esp. if they were targeting it as retirement fund. Thus far I saw no proposals that don’t destroy portion of non-rich population. 🙁 Whoever comes up with solution will deserve Nobel prize.

  • were we expecting any different from Liberals (or, for that measure Conservatives)? They always will chase higher income voters as those with higher income can donate more… so addressing low income issues (other than swiping them under the rug) is not in their best interest. In other words: our electoral system has a lot to do with the outcome and motivation for parties. They need middle class and up donations and low income class votes. So they use middle-class donations to create illusions of caring for low income folk. We’re all being duped here folks.