• 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 3rd, 2023


  • I wonder what would happen if he announced tomorrow that he had a really good acid trip the other day and came to the conclusion that what the government must do is abandon the F-35 jet fighter deal, stop subsidizing oil companies, stop subsidizing car companies, stop pretending that rapid population growth is good for us, nationalize most of the telecom sector, get serious about fighting back the power of the other oligopolies that run most of the country, double the carbon tax, cut the income tax, eliminate most of the deductions that make it so complex, tax capital gains at the same rate as other income, consult with economic experts willing to design an effective regime for preventing businesses from growing too large, renew efforts for electoral reform, cancel all the bad Internet bills, fund electrified passenger rail transport, and run all government systems with 100% free software.

  • It’s more appealing to everyone, irrespective of age. Wikipedia suggests that it’s been popular since the 19th century at latest. It was flavoured cigarillos that were the first tobacco products that tempted me, at a young age but not a child. Later, when I was much old, if pleasingly-flavoured vapes had been unavailable I would’ve had a much more difficult time quitting the nicotine.

    But anyway, it’s the misguided notion that enjoying things which taste good is childish that I find offensive. Advocate for banning all tobacco and I can’t really say you’re wrong to suggest it, but don’t fall for that nonsense.

  • Canada’s total trade balance with the world came in at a surplus of $367 million in February compared with a deficit of $595 million in January.

    That is the most interesting of these various data points and ought to be the headline, not buried right at the bottom. Stats Canada is as much to blame as the journalists, who have demonstrated conclusively that they can never be expected to understand anything involving numbers.

    But anyway it’s good to see Canada’s balance of trade looking a little more healthy than it did for most of the past 15 years.