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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • The Jacques Mckeown books have been very entertaining so far. I’m irritated that Audible is paying him to make them timed audio exclusives, but what can you do? Douglas Adams was my favorite author so I don’t use the comparison lightly. Slight complaint, Yahtzee loves the word nacelle

    A personal Scalzi recommendation would be Kaiju Preservation Society. It’s short, shows his humor pretty well, and should give you an idea if you want to start his books. Personally I didn’t find Old Man’s War to be his best work

  • Currently reading: Planetside by Michael Mammy. I’m only 17% of the way in but it seems to be a sci-fi set military mystery. It’s readable enough so far, but we’ll see how I feel when it hits the mystery

    Will Save the Galaxy for Food by Yahtzee Crowshaw (the Zero Punctuation/Fully Ramblomatic guy). This series rocks. He absolutely scratches the same itch as Douglas Adams did. Funny, Irreverent, and specifically I love that both will spend a whole page explaining a concept for the payoff to be a third of a sentence joke

    Just Finished: Starter Villain by John Scalzi. Like a lot of other Scalzi work, it’s funny, doesn’t belabor the stuff you don’t care about, and isn’t fishing for a trilogy. A great vacation read

  • This guide is so bad that I might actually call it harmful

    1. Bee and mosquito bites manifest pretty differently across people, but I can forgive that

    2. Spider bites vary wildly depending on species and depending on your location you should know if venomous spiders are in your area and how deadly they are

    3. That is not what tick bites look like, that’s what Lyme disease looks like. If you see that you should be concerned because you likely have a lifelong affliction. Also, identifying tick bites is stupid, they stay attached to you

    4. The most characteristic part of bed bug bites are a series of bites in a short line/grouping. They stop feeding in response to micro movements and relocate to feed again