• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Who the fuck cares what the economic analysis is?

    Fighting climate change is going to hurt economically, either do an analysis comparing the current plan to an alternative one, or don’t bother doing it.

    Publishing an analysis that says ‘the carbon tax hurts the economy’ just gives dumbass conservatives something to bitch and complain about.

    Regardless, compare whatever painful number is there to the trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars that severe climate change will cost us and you’ll see that the plan still makes sense.

    I don’t understand how conservatives can be so fucking stupid that they don’t understand that our entire planet and biosphere crumbling and dying beneath us will cost the economy.

  • The NDP are playing politics in the worst fucking way imaginable. I cannot believe they would fucking do this.

    There is no other policy. It’s either a carbon tax or government prescribed forced industry reductions which will be less effective and face far more chance of fuck up and collateral damage.

    This isn’t even the type of fucking thing you would figure out at a meeting. If the premiers want to submit detailed plans for lowering emissions to be soberly assessed by environmental experts they’re welcome to, and they have, and they don’t actually have real plans.

    Fuck the NDP for this. They are literally threatening our entire environmental future for one fucking election. This is a cowardly piss ant move.

  • Everyone: “Hey NDP, if you want to actually win a general election you need to be pragmatic about your talking points and messaging and not just alienate people with academic talk.”

    NDP: “Best I can do is attack the only effective policy we have for fighting climate change to try and split the left vote.”

    The NDP supporting the Conservatives’ plan of “nothing” is a fucking cowardly embarrassment. Yes your job is to listen, and you can do that by reading their written submissions for comprehensive action to reduce their emissions in accordance with targets.

    You do not figure that out in a “meeting”, you figure that out through weeks of sober impact assessment and planning. This is political farce that is threatening to doom our future for fucking domestic politics.

  • “It’s a structure that has proven to be necessary because of our low population and geographic dispersion,” said Martin Pelletier, senior portfolio manager at Wellington-Altus Private Counsel, referring to oligopolies in general.

    No it’s fucking not, that’s absolute fucking horse shit.

    That means consumers will continue to grumble about their limited options, and investors can feast on attractive stocks.

    That means that the rich will continue enriching themselves at the expense of consumers’ wallets, the quality of products and services they receive, and literally their lives and livelihoods.

    This author is a huge fucking piece of shit. Most of what they’re writing is true, but their gleeful characterization of their gluttonous depravity absolutely boils the blood. In a just society they would be thrown in prison for profiting off an oligopoly, not given a fat dividend for doing nothing. Fucking investor pieces of shit.