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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 6th, 2023


  • Between Math, English, and an Accounting elective I took, I think I learned at least as much as most students will be learning with this.

    English teaches you to read the contracts…with a deep reading. It teaches you to infer the intentions of the writer based on the word they use. It generally teaches you to look at multiple sources, or at the same source from multiple perspectives, too. Don’t sign anything you haven’t made an effort to read.

    Even Grade 9 math makes you over qualified to calculate the vast majority of what you’d need in most of your life. After Grade 9, you’re just getting more experience turning situations into math and practicing how to solve different problems with different tools. A Statistics module would help frame a lot of the more “complex” problems we see in our daily lives…but we already have the math skills to solve most of them by Grade 9.

    They’ve been putting the tools we need into our toolboxes for at least decades by now. I don’t blame the education system for people who miss basic mathematical/reading principles (unless they’re really old or something).

    • Credit card debt and the cardholder agreements
    • Getting screwed by banks (except where banks do weird things like messing with transaction orders)
    • Interest rates and financing things, especially choosing a low monthly rate and thinking you’re saving money rather than paying upfront
    • Gambling

    It’d be nice if this class would help students get out of those kinds of problems. Unless it’s a damn good curriculum though, I think it’ll end up like English and Math…kids don’t pay attention because they don’t know how to use the skills they’re being taught. (Which is a problem itself, but I don’t think a new class is necessarily the answer)

  • Is drunk driving really the issue that needs to be tackled at the expense of other driving issues?

    How about more enforcement of distracted driving?

    How about just watching any major intersection (undercover) and seeing how many drivers run a red light while tailgating the person in front of them because they want to be the last one to get the advanced left turn?

    Or doing the same and watching how many drivers are making rights on red unsafely by looking left while making a right turn in front of pedestrians?

    If this catches people drunk driving or the campaign itself reduces accidents, that’s great. But this is something that will “punish” all drivers (due to being held up longer), rather than something that will just punish the law-breakers.

  • Made us the most locked down place in the Western world during the pandemic, illegally cut nurse wages during the pandemic, paying nursing agencies 3x what nurses actually cost to no benefit of anyone except the agencies, and made us pay for attack ads against the federal government for not closing the border during the pandemic (when the only reason it was open is because Ford wanted more international students during the pandemic).

    It’s embarrassing that we re-elected them. You’re preaching to the choir here.

  • People talk about the housing crisis, not the rooming crisis. As well, aren’t shared homes under different laws already? So all of those room renting examples aren’t in the same boat as homes.

    I know that in Ontario, we count LTC beds as homes…but we can be a little bit more honest here.

    If people are buying properties to hold them vacant for 5-10 years, then we have other problems. And like I said, we could tax that vacant home. And if it’s a big enough problem, we could pull in all that tax money and use it to build more housing.

    And I know that some people buy housing to rent it out, but some people buy housing to live in. And some of those people are buying brand new houses or condos…to live in. So there’s still a market for buying new housing, and even if we can’t build it with tax dollars, there would be someone who’d be interested in building units to sell to that market, even if it’s not all investors.