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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • TL;Dr you’re a dog whistling fool.

    I challenge you to go live in Gaza and pretend you’re Palestinian…

    See how stupid that sounds? Though you’re probably so delusional, you think you’d be fine, running around safe and protected areas within Israel screaming "WHERE’S THE APARTHEID?!?!!’ Not only that, but your ignorance of geopolitics needs to be broken down as well.

    “basically every Muslim country”… oh, you mean the middle east? That place that keeps getting invaded and overthrown? Why did we invade Afghanistan… again and again? Thank you the three stooges of western geopolitics , the US, France and Britain - the tag team of degenerates in fancy suits. Why was the democratically elected government of Iran overthrown? Oh right, the only thing worse than liberalism, SOCIALISM. Let’s help install a a very socially conservative Ayatollah instead… also, let’s destroy Iraq and install yesmen - y’know, for oil. Surely that’s not a bad idea… it’s like Yosemiti Sam shooting and being pushed back over, and over, and over again, as western society takes another geo-political black eye.

    And you wonder why they go against western ideals? It’s that problem where sovereignty doesn’t mean shit the second you step over the border, and after DECADES of meddling and destroying economies, literally colonizing a place, the entire region becomes authoritarian nationalist, and you go “lol Muslims”?

    Bro, go back to school. Stop being retarded with your smooth brain. Learn what the word “precedent” means in a social historical context. Unless, y’know, you ignore it for a specific purpose…

    “Uh, but they are authoritarian nationalist based on religion, but not the authoritarian nationalism based on religion that I want”. I bet there is no LGBTQ persecution in Israel by nationalist, orthodox Jews… right… right? Or here in the west? No? “No, it’s the mozlems”.

    To conclude: either everyone is free, or no one is free. Any exception is some authoritarian mental gymnastics bullshit by smooth brained westerners who got skullfucked by instituonal parties - and then, and then having the balls to pretend they are fighting against authoritarianism…

    Stfu, bro. You can shove your ignorance, fear mongering, dehumanization and dog whistling straight up your hypocritical, delusional ass. We got healing to do, and you are against that movement - mostly because you won’t seek therapy instead of doing stupid hot takes online.