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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Unless you have money to throw away why not continue to pirate stuff whilst you figure out what you do and don’t like.

    I, like you, didn’t get into books until much later on. I found something I liked (for me it started with Lovecraft) and then just explored all of his books before then looking for stuff that was within that similar vein.

    I also used other types of media to inform what kinds of things I might like (predominantly video games) which lead me off on to other tangents.

    I think this gave me a good basis of what I enjoyed from the stories and writing themselves and then from there I went on to trying other things, usually randomly based purely on a title or blurb and just giving things a go. If I didn’t enjoy something after a few hours then I’d just drop it and move on. When I found something I like I’d usually just binge that author.

    You can always go to a library and borrow some stuff to get an idea of the form factor you like in terms of your last question. I’m an audio book only kind of person so have no input really in terms of that.

  • I was introduced to Green with the Deathstalker series of books which were really good so I can highly recommend them! I’m not sure if Gideon Sable will be for me but due to liking Deathstalker and it sounding a bit like The Stainless Steel Rat (which I love) I’m going to give it a go. I love a good space opera!

    Buy Mort is a satire based around an all encompassing shop front that basically takes over the universe. Earth wakes up one day to find that everyone (people and animals alike) have had this shop front implanted into their head that gives them the ability to both buy anything you could imagine and sell anything around them, as well as having incredibly intrusive adverts beamed directly into their minds/vision.

    It is described as a “lit/RPG” and has very heavy tones of being written as if it were a sort of sci fi role playing game, using the kinds of terminology you’d find in role playing games. From there I guess it is a kind of social commentary / satire on the way this world is going with corporations like amazon taken to the extreme where buy Mort takes over in the universe and destroys civilisations as well as planets as it spreads throughout the universe.

    I went in blind knowing only the title pretty much but have absolutely loved it so far and would highly recommend it if what I said sounds appealing at all to you.