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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 14th, 2024


  • The thing that frustrates me is my dad votes conservative, they underfund things and withheld specific health funding while attacking the rights of nurses, then he complains it takes forever to see a doctor and flies to Mexico and pays there.

    Except his children can’t just fly to Mexico, we’re stuck with it.

    It’s so frustrating that they’re allowed to withhold this funding while shelling out hundreds of millions to private companies to sell beer and liquor at gas stations.

  • This is frustrating.

    The free market should be increasing wages not enjoying subsidized wages for below the legal market rate.

    I’m not racist but this is why people are very upset about immigration numbers.

    “For example, Joh2Stone Inc. – the operator of several McDonald’s Corp. franchises in Eastern Ontario – was approved in the fourth quarter to fill 78 food-service roles. Many Tim Hortons franchises also received approvals,” read part of The Globe and Mail’s report.

    Shame on them, this is disgusting.

    There were also some industries – accommodation and food services – that were temporarily permitted to hire up to 30% of their staff through the low-wage stream of the TFW program, up from a previous 10% cap. Most of the other industries were permanently bumped up to 20%, according to the report.

    In March, the federal government announced it is limiting the use of the TFW program to those who absolutely cannot find Canadians who can fill job openings. Effective May 1, employers will need to explore every option before applying for a Labour Market Impact Assessments (LMIA). This includes recruiting asylum seekers with valid work permits here in Canada.

    That’s just trading one group of artificially cheap labour for another.

  • This is what frustrates me

    Before reading the budget: it’s an inflammatory inflationary budget (except mathematically, it isn’t)

    After the details are out: it’s too much spending! Plus they throw in some straight out lies about the pharmacare.

    Why the fuck would anyone support this clown? If he was honest I could understand it, if he actually said anything of substance I could understand it. But it’s just “that’s bad” with no elaboration and clear as day lies.

    Wake me up when Pollievre, the former god damn finance critic, actually says something worth listening to.

    Oh and fuck the press for even airing the clips of Pollievre lying. They should be censured for that. Even CBC is just clips of Pierre so they look balanced.

  • the Bank of Canada says lack of competition and mismatched job skills are hurting the economy.

    I’ve been saying this for years. Canadian investors have no grit and we only invest in the oligopoly forces. Of course we’re not productive, there’s no demand from our markets to be productive.

    Our wages are low and we ship all our smartest people to work in the US with our greedy shitty corporate culture. I know because I’ve been working for US companies, they pay triple domestic wages. When I apply for Canadian jobs they talk about those wages being unfair and unsustainable, but clearly they are sustainable, just not with their goals.

    If I were PM I would steamroll our big corps and be fucking loud about it. I’d even let American companies in to compete for telcoms and banking so our industries would have to use their market advantage to hustle.