Damn half a million views…
That’s like, pretty fucking shitty performance for how much money they probably spent on them.
Damn half a million views…
That’s like, pretty fucking shitty performance for how much money they probably spent on them.
Attempting to leave Canada to commit an offence for a terrorist group.
That’s an actual crime… I totally understand “intent to commit a terrorist act” being a crime but I’m baffled we have such a specific law tied to trying to leave the country. What an obscure fucking law.
What’s even more broken than the CPC are the CPC voters who openly embrace American MAGA bullshit. The “controversy” surrounding caravan arrests is a national embarrassment.
AI hElPs PeOpLe LiVe BeTtEr LiVeS!
We should outlaw all the tactics used by the worst offenders until the renter/landlord relationship returns to a reasonable level of sanity. These fucking parasites are destroying the Canadian economy by further concentrating wealth - we’ve come a long way from “I have an extra bedroom since my kid moved out” and landlording is now a business and should never be given the benefit of the doubt.
And if we managed to get Galen Weston and his buddies under control maybe Canadians would actually feel like those cuts were accurate!
… and teen pregnancies will spike.
Do we need yet another trial of how dumb denying sex ed is on a societal scale? Do we want more orphans and teen mothers stuck in abusive relationships?
Fucking idiocy.
JFC Alberta, you need to get that shitheel out of office.
Hey guys, it’s not so bad, right? Look at AirCanada and ViaRail they were privatized and it worked out great.
We have - and we just changed our HEPA filter in preparation!
Clearly we need to burn down all the forests once so we don’t ever have this problem again.
More seriously, as a Vancouverite wildfire season makes it incredibly miserable to be outside.
[Answer, I’m not articling] Yes.
I filled mine out - please note that this covers both traditional appliances (i.e. your fridge) and consumer electronics. E-waste is a serious issue that some pretty light regulations could meaningfully reduce!
To be quite honest… r/Canada is a hive of scum and villainy (or at least it was when I last looked at it)… it was weirdly hijacked by conservative mods who actively manipulate the narrative.
Ah, because you’ll be offering workers a fair pay raise? Or because you’re hoping the strike is ruled illegal and the plebs are forced back to work?
Seems like par for the course for natpo.
You could try introducing them to the liquor first - while people may shudder when eating a non-sweet candy people tend to be a lot more open to salty drinks.
Fucking badass and good for them!
Wait, so is Europe about to slap the UK across the face? Why did you guys line it up like that.
Also, what does this mean about me liking Salmiakki, the pungent salty candy from Finland?
Electoral reform, hooray!
Uh… I’m fine with this. Look at the US to see what no oversight gets you - if it takes longer and we waste less money that’s alright.